Additional illuminants

Color computations were limited to illuminants A, D65 and C up to now. Additional illuminants could be imported and used for computations – however, this option was somewhat hidden and very likely overseen by many users.

With have now, starting with object generation 4.86, implemented 15 additional illuminants (D50, D55, D75, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12).

Parameter fluctuation

Doing a parameter fluctuation you were limited to a maximum of 250 realizations. Starting with object generation 4.86 this limit has been increased to 65000.

Since computations with many iterations take quite a long time the status bar at the bottom of the main window (if not visible, show it by hitting the key ‘s’ on your keyboard) shows the progress of the work.

Results of the parameter fluctuation are stored in the workbook. We recommend to store the workbook to a file and open this file with Excel in order to further process the data. The workbook component integrated in SCOUT or CODE is not very convenient to handle large amounts of data.