CODE computations include
- Color coordinates (X,Y,Z, x,y,z, L,a,b, L*,a*,b*)
- Color variation due to thickness fluctuations, visualization as ‘color cloud’ incl. target color box
- Minimization of color variation
- Color changes due to angle of incidence variations, automatic coating optimization to match a wanted behaviour
- Dominant wavelength and purity
- On-screen visualization of colors
- Light transmittance and reflectance
- Solar direct transmittance and reflectance
- Emissivity
- U and g values of architectural glazings
- Sheet resistance
- Solar generated current density in an active layer
- Spectrum product (Integrals over products of simulated spectra and user-defined data sets)
- Virtual office tower
All quantities are instantly updated as the model changes, also in combination with parameters varied by mouse sliders. This is a very powerful feature giving deep insight into the influence of parameters like layer thicknesses on the performance of your product.
CODE is an OLE automation controller which can be controlled by any OLE automation client like Excel’s VisualBasic, LabView or any modern programming language. This let’s you easily integrate CODE into your coating design activities or optical process control system
Optical monitoring: CODE creates useful charts for thin film analysis and deposition control
- Reflectance vs. total thickness during deposition of a layer stack
- Reflectance vs. time during deposition of a layer stack
- Reflectance vs. time during etching of a layer stack