SPRAY downloads

Complete installation

Download the complete setup files using the link below. You will receive a zip-file with all required files and the proper folder structure.

SPRAY 2.58 (spectral ray tracing, full setup, about 120 MB, last update 2021-5-28)

Using Windows Explorer (or another appropriate zip-file extraction utility), extract the complete spray folder from the zip-file to your harddics, preserving the folder structure: Move to the content of the zip-file, select the SPRAY folder, copy to clipboard (Ctrl-C), move to the destination folder, paste from clipboard (Ctrl-V). Do not rename the folder – finally, you should have a folder called ‘c:\spray’ or ‘c:\my_programs\spray’. Do not copy the SPRAY folder to the Windows program folder – this folder is watched by Windows more severely than other folders, and several actions may require administrator rights. If you go for a folder like ‘c:\spray’ you will avoid some trouble.

If you have received a passport file with your license (spray_passport.wtp) it is now the right time to copy this file to the SPRAY folder.

If you try to start the software spray.exe without passport file, it will ask you to search for one. Without passport file SPRAY will generate an activation file activation.txt. Please send this file to theiss@mtheiss.com – we will return a demo passport file within a short time.

Start the program live.exe in the SPRAY folder by a right mouse click, selecting the option “Run as administrator”, and click on the button ‘Re-register components of current directory’. You are asked to register some file extensions (answer “Yes” to all) and finally some automatic registrations are done.

You are now in the position to start the executable program file spray.exe in Explorer. A right-click on this file gives you options to generate shortcuts in the taskbar or the start menu. If you drag this file with the right mouse button pressed to the desktop you can generate a shortcut on the desktop.

In case of problems, please read the document installation_remarks.pdf.


 Updating an existing installation

Rename spray.exe in your SPRAY program directory to something like spray_backup_2015_1_19.exe or copy the file to a backup directory of your choice.

Then download the latest version of the executable spray.exe which is contained in the zip file that you get clicking here:

SPRAY 2.59 (object generation 5.40, executable spray.exe only, beta version without OLE automation interface, download size about 20 MB, last update 2021-12-10)

Copy the file spray.exe and all new *.dll files to your SPRAY program directory.

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