New fit option

We have included a new fit option which helps to increase the speed of analysis in time critical applications: In methods which use pre-fit sets in the list of fit parameters you can now include the current fit parameter values in the pre-fit search. This eventually avoids many fit iterations if differences between consecutive measurements are small.

The new feature can be turned on or off in the dialog of fit options.


Climate settings, window tilt angle, pane absorption and temperature computations

We have upgraded several CODE functions related to the technical performance of glazing products.

You can now compute solar pane absorption and pane temperatures for up to 6 glass panes.

The list of integral quantities in CODE features new menu items (in File/options):

  • set global climate parameters used for U-value, g-value and temperature computations
  • set the window tilt angle for all U-value, g-value and temperature computations

You can display climate values using labels in a view with the following names:

  • ‘selected_climate’ (shows the name of the climate)
  • ‘selected_climate_parameters’ (shows values of outside temperature, external heat exchange coefficient he, inside temperature, internal heat exchange coefficient, solar power
  • ‘selected_climate_ISO52022’ (shows the name of the climate settings for ISO 52022-3 computations)
  • ‘selected_climate_parameters_ISO52022’ (shows values of outside temperature, external heat exchange coefficient he, inside temperature, internal heat exchange coefficient, solar power, used for ISO 52022-3 computations)

You can display the value of the window tilt angle using a label called ‘window tilt angle’.

Finally, you can call the following new script commands to open user dialogs in the main view:

  • edit climate
  • edit window tilt angle