When I start the software I get the message ‘Licence information for TF1Book is invalid’. What should I do?
In our products we used to work with a workbook component named TF1Book. This is replaced now by a more modern workbook component supporting Unicode characters and Excel files, but the software still contains the TF1Book component in order to be able to read old configuration files.
TF1Book is a so-called ActiveX control which sits in the file vcf132.ocx. During the installation, this file is copied to the program directory and the setup program then registers the ActiveX component using the windows program regsvr32. You will get the above mentioned error message if another software package registers an older version of vcf132.ocx. This happens even if the other program copied its version of vcf132.ocx to a totally different directory. Due to the registration Windows will start the wrong version of the component when our software needs to generate the workbook component.
In this case you should unregister all older versions of the component and work with the latest version only. You unregister an ActiveX component with a command like
regsvr32 “c:\program files\software_xyz\vcf132.ocx” /U
where the specified path should be the installation path of the software package that uses the older version of the component. When all older versions are un-registered, you should register the latest version with the command
regsvr32 “c:\program files\scout\vcf132.ocx”