The definition of fit parameters in the list of fit parameters allows you to specify a factor. This number multiplies the original value in such a way that the value displayed in the first column of the list is the product of the original value and the factor. However, fit parameter values written to the batch control tables or extracted by OLE automation did not take into account the factor.
The behaviour has been improved in the following way: The dialog for fit options (File/Options/Fit) now allows you to check the option ‘Apply factor in fit parameter transfers’. If active, the factor is used in the batch control and for OLE automation transfers (in both directions, i.e. setting or reading values). If the option is unchecked, the program behaves as before.
The option is not stored as part of the configuration, but is stored for each user as default setting. Once switched on it stays on until you switch it off.
In addition, you can check or uncheck this option by new OLE automation methods called ‘apply_factor_in_fit_parameter_transfers’ and ‘do_no_apply_factor_in_fit_parameter_transfers’.
At start-up I get the message ‘Class not registered’. What does that mean?
Very likely this is due to a built-in ActiveX component which needs to be registered by Windows but isn’t. The registration is usually done by the setup routine of the software – in your case this obviously did not work-out all right.
The way to fix this problem is to manually register the component. On most computers you have to have administrator rights to do this. Start a Windows command line as administrator. The Start menu has a command line in the section ‘All programs’ and there in ‘Accessories’. With a right click on the menu item you get the option to run it as administrator.
In the command line, type in the command
regsvr32 “c:\program files\scout\vcf132.ocx”
which should be followed by a message of successful registration of the component. Please note that the path used in the command must be adapted to the location of your software.
In very rare cases it may happen that 2 or more software products register the file vcf132.ocx in different versions. In this case you should unregister all older versions of the component and work with the latest version only. You unregister an ActiveX component with a command like
regsvr32 “c:\program files\scout\vcf132.ocx” /U
where the specified path should be the installation path of your software.
Hardware and software for optical spectroscopy