Category Archives: BREIN

Bug fix bright_eye_traverse.exe

A problem writing BREIN results files has been detected and solved: When the update of integral quanties has been switched off during parameter fits, the results files did not get the correct values. We have inserted an additional update command after the fit which ensures that the right values are written to the result file.

New fit option: Maximum number of iterations

There is a new option to stop a parameter fit: You can set a maximum number of iterations (i.e. re-computations of the optical model).

This option allows to define a reproducable fit quality, independent of the computer speed and workload given by other processes.

Before you set the maximum you must figure out how many iterations are sufficient to reach your goals, probably adding some extra iterations for tough fit situations.

Special computations

If you overlay several ‘special computation objects’ in a view (like a bunch of parameter variation graphs) and you have de-activated their option ‘Automatic re-computation’, the view update requires many mouse clicks.

Not any more: You can now use a script to update all objects with a single click. Define a script and pass the object command ‘update’ to all objects. Here is an example showing how to re-compute 3 special computation objects named sc1, sc2, and sc3:

object command, sc1,update

object command, sc2, update

object command, sc3,update

update plot

Fit parameter factors

The definition of fit parameters in the list of fit parameters allows you to specify a factor. This number multiplies the original value in such a way that the value displayed in the first column of the list is the product of the original value and the factor. However, fit parameter values written to the batch control tables or extracted by OLE automation did not take into account the factor.

The behaviour has been improved in the following way: The dialog for fit options (File/Options/Fit) now allows you to check the option ‘Apply factor in fit parameter transfers’. If active, the factor is used in the batch control and for OLE automation transfers (in both directions, i.e. setting or reading values). If the option is unchecked, the program behaves as before.

The option is not stored as part of the configuration, but is stored for each user as default setting. Once switched on it stays on until you switch it off.

In addition, you can check or uncheck this option by new OLE automation methods called ‘apply_factor_in_fit_parameter_transfers’ and ‘do_no_apply_factor_in_fit_parameter_transfers’.

Bugfix SQL export of results

While processing new results the main application brein.exe was blocked if the export to an external SQL database went wrong for some reason. The new results did not arrive in BREIN at all.

Every SQL export command is now embedded in a so-called “try-finally” statement. This way the internal processing of new results should not be disturbed by SQL problems any more.